The Auyama, also known as Pumpkin is a food with multiple positive properties for our body. This simple, delicious and very nutritious cream is an ideal dish for dinners and incoming and especially for children for their sweet flavor. Discover ayuma with this easy recipe.
🚻 5 Diners | 🕘 30m | 🍵 Enfales | 🤯 Diverse |
Ingredients to make auyama cream: |
1 kilogram from auyama 1 liter of water 3 tablespoons of butter 1 pinch of salt |
Additional characteristics: cheap cost, nothing spicy, boiled |
Ingredients to make auyama cream:
1. cook the peeled and chopped auyama in a pot with water and salt until it softens, drains and apart.
2. Meanwhile the butter hot in a pot, add the onion and garlic joint and cold to wither. Of the garlic Porro, also known as leek, we will only use the white part.
3. Add the meat broth to the pot and take a boil. Cook over low heat for 3 more minutes and once removed from the heat let stand.
4. Lique all ingredients until you get a homogeneous cream. Return the mixture to the pot again and cook over low heat until it boils. Let it boil for 3 more minutes and correct the seasoning.
5. Turn off the fire, mix with the cream of milk and serve immediately.