We split the rabbit into pieces, we put it in a fountain along with 50 gr of sugar, salt, 1 tablespoon of dry oregano, 2 chillies, 1 chopped onion, 2 tablespoons of sweet paprika, a little olive oil, wine vinegar, wine vinegar, wine vinegar, ½ l of red wine, a crumbled tablet of vegetable broth and 2 bay leaves. In a mortar we throw 3 cloves of garlic, cumin in grain and a slice of fried bread. We fell on it and add it to the rabbit. We let it macerate in the refrigerator for at least 12 hours, preferably until the next day. We step with the pieces of the rabbit by flour and fry it in plenty of hot oil to brown it. With water (2 glasses). We ask the rabbit of the pan and put it on a plate with paper so that the excess of oil sucks. We science the rabbit in the pot and cook it until it boils and be tender.
🚻 Medium
Ingredients to make rabbit in marinate.
1 rabbit of 1 ½ kg, 2 chillies, sweet paprika, oregano, vinegar, garlic, ½ liter of red wine, onion, sugar, olive oil, bay leaf, cumin, fried bread, vegetable broth and salt.