The pizza, together with the pasta, is one of the most famous Italian recipes. Each country makes it theirs modifying preparation and ingredients and this time you can learn to make the authentic Mexican -style pizza. A homemade pizza with a homemade and easy recipe, which will make you enjoy the flavors of Mexico.
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Ingredients to make Mexican pizza: |
MASS: 250 grams of flour 5 grams of dehydrated yeast 1 cup of water (240 milliliters) 1 pinch of salt 1 teaspoon of oil | Cover: 2 cloves of garlic 350 grams of minced meat 100 cubic centimeters of oil 1 paprika unit 1 teaspoon of sweet paprika 1 teaspoon of sauce tabasco 1 onion unit 100 grams of cooked red grains 150 grams of tomato puree 50 grams of fine semolla 150 grams of mozarella rallado cheese 1 mature avocado unit ½ lemon unit 1 pinch of salt 1 pinch of pepper pepper |
ADDITIONAL CHARACTERISTICS: Average cost, little spicy, ideal to accompany with beer, |
Ingredients to make Mexican pizza:
1. For this pizza you will need a roast or rectangular tray of 35x25cm. Prepares the ingredients previously, itch all in small and fine cuts. The paprika must be roasted and peeled without seeds, or nerves.
2. To make the Mexican pizza we will start with the sofrito. Sail the onion in oil the chopped paprika and garlic, add the minced meat and saute until its juice long, stirring continuously so that the meat does not cake.
3. Then add the grains while stirring and seasoning with salt, pepper, sweet paprika and the tabasco sauce. Use a wooden spoon to mix and season to your liking. The spicy is not essential.
4. Reserve the sauce and prepare the dough in a traditional way. If you don know how you can consult it in this homemade dough recipe.
5. Sprinkle with the semolina the rectangular tray and then fodder with the dough all the mold, including the edges. You can use cornmeal or any other semolina you can get.
6. Cook the pizza dough at medium temperature without arriving brown, remove from the oven and filled with the meat sauce, making a top with grated cheese. Cook again at a higher temperature.
7. While the pizza is cooked, peel the avocado, rub with lemon to prevent it from oxidizing and cut it into slices or strips.
8. The last touch to finish our Mexican pizza, is to expect that the pizza is almost ready, remove it from the oven and place the avocado slices randomly and cook one more minute.