Extend on a plaque the matmbre (top) with the fat (little) mouth down and sprinkle to taste with salt, pepper, ground chili, oregano garlic and parsley.
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Ingredients to make Matrembre Magal: |
1 matambre salt pepper oregano cool ajà garjo perejil picados 1/2 VASDO VINAGER 4 RABLADAS CAR ALHORIES 3 cdas Rallado cheese 1 tza spinach cooked 2 beaten eggs beaten eggs beaten eggs |
Ingredients to make Matrembre Magal:
2. Sprinkle with the vinegar and let macerate 4 hours.
3. Apart, mix carrots with grated cheese, squeezed and chopped spinach, and beaten eggs.
4. Extend this preparation on the marinated mature, place in the center bells and overwhelm.
5. Wrap it on a canvas, tie it and cook in a saucepan with plenty of salt water and vegetables 2 hours.
6. Once cooked, remove and press 4 hours.
7. Take the refrigerator.
8. Eat it cold.
9. Slicing in slices accompanied by spring salad.