Lomitos recipe to applaud

Remove all the fat, pegots and undesirable to the spine, put it to give it a cylindrical shape and place it in a deep source. Sprinkle with salt and pepper to taste and add the laurel, the onion, the juniper, (but it is possible to replace it by pepper in grain), the clove of smell and the parsley.

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Ingredients to make lomitos to applaud:
Veal loin 1
red wine 1/2 liter
laurel crushed 1 sheet
chopped onion 1
juniper 6 berries
smell clove a little
perejil chopped 1 tablespoon
for the sauce
oil 4 tablespoons
veal bones or cow 2

chopped carrot 1
chopped onion 1
perejil chopped 1 tablespoon
laurel leaves 2
chopped leeks 2
black pepper in grain 1 teaspoon
chopped mushrooms 1 tablespoon
salt and pepper at ease
cognac, a glass
caldito vegetable shredded 1
water 1/4 liter
stark cherries 1/4 kilo
wine or sugar 2 tablespoons of each
liquor of Cassis 4 tablespoons
corn starch 1 0 2 teaspoonasojo 3 heads
cream cheese or slope 150 gr.
clear beatents slightly (foamy) 4
corn starch (maicena) 1/2 tablespoon
tomato 1 cut into squares (concassé)
ramitas de pajil

Ingredients to make lomitos to applaud:

2. drown the spine with red wine, cover the fountain and park it in the refrigerator 3 hours. Drain the spine, reserve the marinade, and brown it to the saucepan in a little oil. Then put it in an enmantecada fountain and finish roasting it in the oven, to the desired point.

3. pour the oil into a median pan, heat well and brown the bones (like forming a background without burning it). Add the carrot, onion, parsley, laurel, leeks, black pepper and mushrooms.

4. Revolver at times until the vegetables are sautés and blondes. Be very careful to spray the mixture with a glass of cognac (a flare is formed). Then throw the water, so that the fire turns off, and then the crumbled bald and all the marinade that was reserved apart.

5. Let boil until a tasty sauce is formed. Try and season at ease. Strain all the content of the pan to another pan. Apart from the tablespoons of sugar with the tablespoons of red wine, to achieve a kind of thick syrup. Add it to the saucepan.

6. Incorporate the stark cherries and let boil slowly until they are tender. Thick the sauce with 1 or 2 teaspoons of corn or cornstarch (previously diluted in a little cold water). At the last moment mix with the casis liquor.

7. Desgrate the garlic heads and place the teeth with their peel, in a saucepan. Cover them with little water and boil until they are soft, if necessary during cooking, add more water in the saucepan. Drain garlic and press them with Pisapuré.

8. yield the peel and easily falls the garlic pulp. Mix the cooked garlic pulp with cream cheese, cornstarch, whites and season at ease. Distribute the mixture in moldy flancites.

9. Cook them in a water bath in the oven, until they are firm (from 20 to 25 minutes, approx).

10. Unmold them directly on the preheated dishes where you plan to serve the loins. Decorate the surface of each flan with tomato dads and a sprig of parsley.

11. Cut the roasted spine into thick slices distribute the sauce covering the bottom of each dish where the lancitos are, navigate, in each, two or three slices of loin.

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