Granados beans do not soak, be washed and cooked in boiling water without salt approximately 45 minutes.
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Ingredients to make Chilean grenades: |
1 fine chopped onion 2 cups of poreos grenados 3 tablespoons of oil 2 1/2 tablespoons of color chili 2 green chili peppers 2 chopped choclos 1 cup of squad chopped at squares 3 tomatoes chopped salt pepper Oregano |
Ingredients to make Chilean grenades:
2. The onion, the choclos, the pumpkin are fried and the dressings are added. The beans are taken out of water, so that the soup is not very clear.
3. To the beans are added onion and other fried ingredients, tomatoes and chili peppers. Approximately 20 minutes is cooked over 20 minutes.