The potatoes are not very thick. It is fried in abundant oil, that covers them, over low heat. It is as if they were cooked in oil, moving them from time to time. They are reserved. The peeled rice shrimp are passed through pan with very little very little time, until they begin to curve. They are reserved.
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Ingredients to make potato and prawns tortilla: |
3 medium potatoes 150 grs. of rice gambas 3 eggs olive oil salt |
Ingredients to make potato and prawns tortilla:
2. The eggs are beaten and salt is added to taste. The potatoes and prawns are added, mixing everything well. Thats, we proceed to make the tortilla. Trick: If you leave the shake of eggs, potatoes and prawns 2 or 3 hours in the fridge or fresh site this tortilla has more flavor.