Gozua recipe

Mix the liquid cream, very cold, with the sugar and beat, slowly and gently.

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Ingredients to make Gozua:
For 4 people ::
100 g. NATA Liquid RAM
15 gr. Sugar
custard pastelera

Ingredients to make Gozua:

2. The more we will bathe, we will get a more hollow cream.

3. Next, fill in the base of a clay casserole, with the mounted cream.

4. Discharge on top sponge or gluten-free cookies.

5. Add a layer of custard.

6. Sprinkle with sugar.

7. Burn with a red iron.

8. decorate over fruits.

9. It is recommended to consult the list of gluten-free foods edited by the Federation of Celiac Associations, before using some of the ingredients indicated in these prescriptions.

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