Why don I have a loose rice

Why does rice be caked?

This is one of the most asked questions, since for many it is extremely difficult to get a midpoint in the rice. It has happened to us that rice is extremely hard or so caked that it seems mash. Well, the answer to the question why there is no loose rice can be among one of these main reasons:

1. Too movement

One of the most common mistakes is to move rice. If you do it at the right temperature and in an non -stick pot we can assure you that it will not stick and it will be unnecessary to remove it. Keep in mind that mixing the rice will lose the starch that contains and, therefore, a pasty texture will be generated, ruining the preparation. Just move it on a couple of occasions after adding the water and then cover.

2. amount of inadequate water

Excess water can be the cause of a pasty rice because the grains are overwhelmed. This is also very affected by the type of rice chosen, since the arbito absorbs much more than a long -grain rice for daily. In most cases the measure is 2 cups of water for 1 rice, although depending on the result we want to obtain it is possible to add more liquid. Try to maintain this measure and you will see that the result will be excellent. For against, add less water than indicated also explains why the rice is not loose. For this reason it is crucial to adapt the amount of water to the type of rice.

3. A lot of cooking time

Although it seems obvious, it is essential to review the instructions of each package to maintain an adequate cooking time. With rice, above all, this point is crucial, since if we cook it too much this will be, without a doubt, the reason why rice is pasty. In general terms, for the rice to be perfect, they are usually necessary between 10 and 18 minutes, the ideal being about 12. Of course, the final time will also depend on the type of kitchen we have.

Amount of rice and water per person

If you suspect that the reason that explains why the rice is not loose is the proportion of water and rice used, we share orientative quantities that usually work. In general, 100 grams of rice per person are usually enough, although the final amount will depend completely on the type of dish we are cooking. For example, if we are preparing a rice recipe to accompany, we can choose to reduce the amount to 50-60 grams, while if the rice is the protagonist because we are making a paella, we will have to keep the 100 or, even, a little More in case someone wants to repeat. Now, how do we calculate the amount of rice in vessels? Normally, in a normal glass (about 200 g of capacity) there is sufficient amount for two people. Thus, if we are only going to cook for one, we will use half a glass of rice, while if we are going to cook for three we will use a glass and a half. We will use the same glass to calculate the amount of water, which depends on the result is one or the other:- Dry loose rice: 2 glasses of water for each glass of rice.

– Loose Rice Melose: 3 glasses of water for each glass of rice.

– Caldose loose rice: 4-5 glasses of water for each glass of rice.

How to fix a pasty rice

Now that you know all the reasons why the rice is chiclloso, you will no longer fail next time and you will know how to make cooked rice, chicken rice, rice with vegetables, or any other rice recipe you like. However, if the rice has already happened to you and you do not know what to do, here we leave you a trick with which you will know how to fix a massacotudo rice easily. The trick consists of placing the grains of rice in a strainer and washing them under the tap To get all the starch. When you have done it, put them in a pan and cook for 5 minutes to finish evaporating the starch and water. It will be loose and delicious!

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