Is tomatoes a fruit or a vegetable?

Difference between fruit and vegetables

Many people have the erroneous belief that fruits are sweet and green vegetables or that fruits are only used for desserts and that is why they are described so. We regret telling you that this is not the difference and that it goes far beyond its taste, color and flavor. A fruit part of a plant as well as the vegetable, but its main difference is that the fruit is known as the ovary ” Of this plantation and that is why it contains the seeds, while the vegetables are extracted from any other area of ​​the plant. Now do you recognize some other vegetables that could be fruits? Yes and it does not only happen with the tomato, because for many it can be from a fruit to a berry.

Is tomatoes a fruit or a vegetable and why?

This doubt arose long before us, specifically in the nineteenth century when a law was implemented in the Supreme Court, specifically in 1887, where imported vegetables would have a tax to be paid while fruits do not and by Therefore, they would be tax free. At the time of transporting the tomato, many merchants alleged that they were exempt from taxes because this food was a fruit, however the government in its defense said no, since it is not served in desserts but in salads and that is why it was a vegetable. This controversy has more than 2 centuries wanting to be resolved and has been the center of the looks of biologists, chefs and farmers, who have different opinions each. Some allege that the tomato is considered a vegetable for the same wrong reason that was implemented In 1887, that because it was not ingested in desserts but in main meals, it was immediately a vegetable thus obviating the definition of what it is really. But as the vast majority has affirmed, tomato is a fruit since it contains seeds and it is the fruit of a vine, or the ovary ”of said plant, the tomato; So, regardless of its flavor or use in practice, its origin immediately makes it a fruit. This doubt was clarified by many biologists and the discrepancies were so intense that in 1893 the consultation of the European Union was carried out where the tomato was officially declared as a fruit.

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