What are phytonutrients
Phytochemistry is the scientific discipline that is responsible for isolation, analysis and study of the biological activity of various substances produced by vegetables. Therefore, when talking about phytochemicals or phytonutrients, in its strictest sense, it is understood as the chemicals produced by plants. However, this term is commonly used with a smaller and more specific sense, using only to describe the chemicals of plant origin that affect health in a beneficial way, although, in reality, it should also cover the least favorable aspects of these components , in addition to including how they affect the plants. In the plant world, phytochemicals are substances that fulfill several vital functions: they favor the development of plants, provide their organoleptic characteristics, favor ecological interactions, contribute to pollination and pollination and , as if that were not enough, they help in the protection of vegetables in front of their competitors (both pathogens and predators), among other benefits. If it is the human diet, phytonutrients, although they do not contain nutritional or energy value, generally maintain healthy the organism. In this sense, phytonutrients do not qualify as macronutrients (essential nutrients) or as micronutrients (vitamins and minerals); However, despite the latter, some phytonutrients act as provitamins. Finally, it is interesting to note that phytonutrients or phytochemicals are also known as bioactive substances or components, functional foods, drug foods, phytoalimentos, smart foods, therapeutic foods, added foods, genomic foods, prebiotic/probiotic foods or phytochemical sources, between other terms.Although there is much talk about the benefits of phytonutrients or phytochemicals, the total scope of their properties is still unknown and, of course, their disadvantages. Therefore, before talking about the benefits of bioactive foods, it is interesting to consider them in their broader sense, that is, taking into account substances such as phytotoxins and antinutrients, plus their effects on our body. And, although these two substances do not sound very beneficial, they have both positive and negative aspects. Antinutrients are simply phytonutrients that are consumed in excess or inappropriately can interfere with the absorption or activity of one or more nutrients. However, this effect can be neutralized or minimized by performing certain procedures during food preparation. Some antinutrients are saponins (present in legumes), phytates (contained in the fiber of whole grains), the tannins (dry legumes, coffee, etc.) and the oxalates (beets, green leaves, legumes, etc.) , among others, on the other hand, if we talk about phytotoxins we refer to natural substances that protect the predators plant, although this term also usually refer to herbicide products. Some natural phytotoxins, although they are toxic in principle, may be useful for human being, but only after being synthesized in a laboratory. Some examples of useful phytotoxins for humans are the salicin extracted from the white sauce bark, which serves to produce aspirin, or the Paclitaxel extracted from the English shore, used for a valuable medication against cancer. Now well, already clarified these points these points , we can explore the benefits of the main subgroups of phytonutrients:- carotenes and sulfurafanos (green color). They strengthen the immune system and favor cancer prevention. In general, carotenes are a family of antioxidants with many benefits for the body.
– lycopene (red color). Take care of the circulatory system and prevents prostate cancer.
– beta -carotenes. They protect the skin, retard cutaneous aging, have antioxidant action and favor mental health.
– Luteine ​​and Zeaxantine (yellow color). They take care of the view in general, prevent cataracts, protect the skin and fulfill antioxidant function.
– Organosulfids (white). They control cholesterol, reduce the risk of cancer, improve blood circulation, prevent infections and improve the immune system.
– Flavonoids (purple, red, bluish and yellow red). They prevent cardiovascular diseases, have anti -inflammatory and analgesic action, improve blood circulation and help prevent cancer. However, excess of these substances could have prooxidant effects and cause cancer, according to some studies.
– Anthocyanins (blue, red and blue). They help avoid urinary infections, have antioxidant action, stimulate the brain and retard aging.
Examples of food with phytonutrients
Now, maybe you ask yourself, what are foods with phytonutrients? Before answering that question, it is important to talk a little about provitamins. The best known phytochemicals in the daily diet are provitamins or previous. These substances present in most foods become vitamins only when coming into contact with our body, because there are activated. Therefore, it is essential to maintain a balanced diet to obtain not only essential nutrients, but also these phytonutrients. In addition, as we mentioned earlier, there are phytonutrients that do not contain provitamins, as with some antioxidants. That said, lets look at some examples of the main phytonutrients present in food:- carotenes (pigment and antioxidant): carrots, grelos, rival cabbage, watercress, spinach, red pepper, chard, apricot, tomato, lettuce, orange, etc.
– beta -carotenes (provitamin a): orange, carrot, pumpkin, etc.
– Luteine ​​and Zeaxantine (antioxidants). Lutein is found in various cereals, vegetables and fruits: green turnip, asparagus, celery, chard, coll of Brussels, pumpkin, wheat seeds, corn, succino, broccoli, roman lettuce, spinach, collty, mango, papaya, orange , melon, pears, raisins, etc. On the other hand, Zeaxantin is another yellow compound, almost identical to lutein, generated by plants by absorbing light. This substance is found in certain cereals, vegetables and fruits, yellow or oranges, such as: corn grain, mango, orange, papaya, pumpkin, watercress, achicoria, etc.
– Licopeno (antioxidant): red blueberry, tomato, pink grapefruit, red pepper, watermelon, red colt, cool, etc.
– Flavonoids (antioxidant). It is found in fruits (including citrus fruits), vegetables and spices, such as: grapes, blackberries, apples, strawberry, plum, cocoa, tea, leeks, onions, aromatic herbs, etc. Wines also provide this type of phytonutrient.
– Anthocyanins (hydrosoluble and antioxidant pigment). These substances belong to the flavonoid family and can be found in blueberries, blackberries, grapes, colored potatoes, radishes, etc.
– Organosulfid (antibiotic and antioxidant properties): garlic, onion, cauliflower, turnip, mushrooms, etc.
– Sulfurafanos (antioxidants). These substances are found in the family of cruciferous vegetables: broccoli, spinach, cabbage (especially purple), chard, watercress, lettuce, among others.
Finally, it is interesting to mention that phytonutrients are absorbed during body processes, such as chewing or hydrolysis in the stomach, as well as in the preparation of food. If you want to continue expanding your knowledge about food to carry a balanced and healthy diet, Do not miss this other article about basic food groups and their nutrients.
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