Benefits of Carrot Juice
Although carrots have many properties, they stand out mainly for their abundant content in beta -carotenes. This compound is called Provitamin A, because the body can turn it into vitamin A. Betaarotene is not the only substance with this attribution, there are many others that fulfill the same function. However, according to a study by the University of Illinois, Published in the Journal of Lipid Research, perhaps not everyone can benefit from Betacarotene in the same way. Scientists argue that to convert this substance into vitamin A, the intervention of an enzyme called beta -carotene oxygenase 1 (BCO1) is needed, and some people are less active. That is, those individuals with this less active enzyme may need other sources of vitamin A in their daily diet. That said, lets take a look at the benefits of carrot juice:- Improves brain activity. Potassium and phosphorus help to regenerate nerves in general, so carrot juice can relieve mental fatigue and improve performance.
– Improve the skin. If you regularly take this juice, your skin will look healthier, showing characteristics such as shine, smoothness, flexibility and firmness.
– Increase defenses. Its antioxidants stimulate the immune system protecting our body against the effects of free radicals, viruses and bacteria.
– Detail the organism. On the one hand, its important fiber contribution helps improve intestinal transit. On the other hand, its vitamin A content works as diuretic. This set of attributes favors the health of the liver and kidneys. Discover more juices to clean the kidneys in this other article.
– Strengthens bone health. This is possible thanks to its vitamin K, calcium and potassium content.
– Prevents premature aging and retards the signs of old age. Thanks to beta -carotene contained in the carrot, the skin remains firm and without wrinkles, although, of course, other factors such as adequate hygiene routine, pollution, etc.
– Keep ocular health. Compounds such as beta -carotenes and lutein favor the maintenance of visual health, especially nightlife. In addition, they prevent the appearance of cataracts.
– Protect the circulatory system. If you almost usually consume this juice, your arteries will remain plaque free, your blood flow will be normal and your heart will remain healthy, as long as, of course, you generally carry out healthy lifestyles.
– Take care of the teeth and gums. The fluoride contained in the carrot prevents bacteria from adhere to gums and teeth.
Benefits of fasting carrot juice
The benefits of fasting carrot juice are practically the pampering we have just mentioned. Due to its antioxidant power, taking this juice early in the morning helps prepare the body to assume the day that awaits it and improve the skin of the skin. Likewise, on an empty stomach favors weight loss and improves visual health, mainly.
How to take carrot juice
If you want to get the most out of this drink, you need to know how to take carrot juice depending on what your body needs. That is why, then we show you some examples of how to do it and the most appropriate dose:- To improve digestion and appetite: I eat it 3 times a day, just before each meal, for 1-2 months.
– To prepare the skin for the tan: Bébelo 1 time a day, 30 minutes before consuming breakfast, for 1 week or 15 days before exposing yourself to the sun.
– To help heal wounds: I eat it twice a day, in the morning and in the afternoon.
– To lose weight: Take 2 glasses a day, one on an empty stomach and another a few minutes after lunch.
– To improve the view: Ingone it on an empty stomach, just 30 minutes before eating, every day. After 3 months of its consumption, rest for 1-2 months and restart the cycle. In this other article you will find more foods to improve the view.
If you want to take carrot juice to lose weight, you should know that you can combine this food with others, such as fruits or vegetables. For example, in this video we show you to prepare carrot and apple juice with a powerful detox effect:
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