Wash and cut the fish into pieces, reserving clean fish meat fillets. With all the waste (tail, head and thorns) a broth is made as …
Stews and Stews Recipes
Gallina stew recipe
Clean the chicken. 🚻 🕘 🍵 🤯 Ingredients to make chicken stew: 1 chicken chicken or rear rooms (like 1,200 gr)500 g potatoes2 tablespoons Ingredients …
Pork Goulash Recipe
Cut the meat into cubes and brown it over medium heat in the tablespoon of oil. 🚻 🕘 🍵 🤯 Ingredients to do pork Goulas: …
Canarian watercat
If you know the Canarian gastronomy you will have ever tried the famous watercatcher, a perfect spoon dish to heat the cold days. This powerful …
Praise recipe
Derret the butter, add the crumbled cubes, stir, add the flour, stir, add the milk, stir and cook over low heat until it thickens. 🚻 …
Madrid stew recipe
In an Express pot with half of water we cook the chickpeas, the laurel, 2 garlic with peel and the chopped cod of 15 to …
Potato recipe with broth
The tomato with the oil, the nyoras the laurel and the teaspoon of sugar, in a clay pot, also serves another type of container), over …
Andalusian pot recipe
We put in a sweep with water a piece of spine, another rib, another white bone and another bacon, all salty. 🚻 Low Difficulty 🕘 …
Peoples Cooking Recipe (Leon)
Put the onion, the carrot, the spine and the chicken to saute until they take color. the demands are added little by little. It is …
Tomatada recipe
We chop the potatoes in squares. 🚻 Low Difficulty 🕘 🍵 🤯 Ingredients to make a tomato: Potatoestomatohard egg or sancochado (to accompany) Ingredients to …