The measures or the way of applying the ingredients are incorrect We are facing the most common cause, which causes more crushed breads in the …
cooking tips
How to make mother mass – recipes, what is and benefits
What is the mother mass The mother mass is a fermented paste, prepared from water and any type of flour. That is, it is an …
How to make homemade bread step by step and easy
Types of Flour to Make Home Bread The bakery professionals already say: flour is the soul of bread. †For this reason, choosing the right …
10 laxative juices for constipation
Aloe vera and honey juice, instant remedy for constipation This aloe vera juice for constipation provides a laxative, anti -inflammatory, digestive and antacid effect. This …
How to fix a cut mayonnaise
Why cut the mayonnaise? We could almost ensure that most people who have made homemade mayonnaise have encountered this situation, at least once. Perhaps the …
Prebiotic foods – What are, benefits and examples
What are prebiot foods The concept offered by the World Gastroenterology Organization (WGG) on prebiotic foods is as follows: Diet substance (fundamentally non -amylace and …
Kéfir Water – Recipe, Properties, Benefits, Contraindications
What is water kefir In order to define water kefir, it is necessary to talk about the kefir in general. So what is the kefir? …
Stuffed pasta sauces recipes
Onion sauce for paste stuffed with meat White sauces are always an excellent option when it comes to making sauces for stuffed pasta. This onion …
Differences between banana and banana
Is banana and banana the same? Certainly, at first glance, both fruits seem almost identical. This is because they belong to the same family (the …
Burger sauces: 13 simple, healthy and gourmet recipes
The best hamburger sauces Even if you do not believe it, there are too many sauces that deserve to be here: the German sauce, the …