Ceviche is a Latin American dish that has gained a lot of popularity in the world of international cuisine. For the most part, the countries …
Appetizers and tapas recipes
Meat ceviche recipe
Many of us know the ceviche as a recipe of South American origin made of fish or shellfish. The truth is that there are many …
Rancheras enchiladas recipe
Within Mexican cuisine there are endless variants of the dish known as enchilada. Its preparation consists, in a few words, to cover corn tortillas with …
Mushroom quiche recipe
The salty cakes are one of those recipes that, if we have a little time and the correct ingredients, change the routine of always eating …
Ham and cheese quiche recipe
Quiche is a salty cake of French origin that can be prepared with endless ingredients. On this occasion, we bring you a recipe of a …
Sarmale recipe
Sarmale is a very typical Romanian recipe, although we can also find different versions of this preparation in Eslava cuisine. The Romanian Sarmale recipe is …
Mining enchiladas recipe
In the Guanajuato region, Mexico, there is a wide variety of dishes considered typical and of great relevance. Within this variety, the mining enchiladas are …
Jaiba Ceviche Recipe
Currently, the weather is changing and the heat season is tending to be much more extensive and intense, so they seem fresh and sea flavor …
Sierra Ceviche Recipe
Within the category of fish and shellfish, there is a wide variety of dishes, some need cooking and others are consumed fresh, which allows to …
Potosine enchiladas recipe
When talking about enchiladas we must know that they exist for all tastes. In Mexico, each state has its particular variant, all of them with …