Fried donut recipe

If you want to make grandmothers homemade fried donuts how they are traditionally done, look at this recipe for spongy fried donuts that make recipes at your disposal to learn how they are done. It is easier than you think and if not, wait to discover it once you have decided to prepare them. Dare and prepare delicious fried donuts to snack, breakfast or as dessert.

🚻 4 Diners🕘 30m🍵 Merienda🤯 Difness Low
Ingredients to make fried donuts:
1 cup of milk (240 milliliters)
½ cup of oil
1 orange (cortex)
½ cup of anise
½ cup (100 grams)
1 egg
1 on yeast
harina lazy bakers (the one I admit )
Aceite de oliva for fry
sugar to decorate
canela powder to decorate (optional)
ADDITIONAL CHARACTERISTICS: Cheap cost, popular in autumn-winter, ideal accompany with sweet, fried wine

Ingredients to make fried donuts:

1. To prepare these homemade fried donuts, the first thing you have to do is boil the milk with the oil, anise and orange cortex.

2. Then add the sugar, mix everything well and let it temper.

3. In a bowl, put 2 cups of flour along with the yeast and see the temperate milk with the rest of the ingredients, plus the beaten egg.

4. When everything is well mixed, add more flour, little by little, until the dough of the spongy fried donuts is well. The mass of homemade donuts must be very soft or too hard, for this you have to respect the measures indicated.

Trick: Place the dough of the donuts in a pastry bag to make it easier for you to mold it.

5. Next, go by shaping donuts to the dough directly throwing them into a pan with plenty of oil, not very hot, and fry them until they are very golden. The frying point must be done over low heat.

6. Finally, drain the excess oil from the homemade fries, serve them in the container you want and sprink them with sugar or with powder cinnamon. And do not forget to also try the recipes of spongy fried donuts that we recommend below: – Homemade anise donuts

– Spongy donuts

– Sweet homemade donuts

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