The dulce de milk sponge cake that you will learn to prepare with this easy recipe is a very rich dessert. This sponge sponge Famous for the whole world, it is the dulce de leche. As its name says, the dulce de leche is a kind of caramelized milk that is commonly used as a filling for cakes or sweets, but this time we will use it to make the dough of a homemade, soft and spongy sponge cake, then with the recipe of the yogurt cake and dulce de leche that Sweet Isis shares in recipes. Don miss any detail!
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Ingredients to make cake of dulce of milk step step by step: |
150 grams of flour without preparing 1 teaspoon of baking powder ¼ teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate ¼ teaspoon of salt 80 grams of butter at room temperature 50 grams of blonde sugar or brunette 100 grams of dulce de leche 2 Egg units 60 milliliters of milk (¼ cup) 60 milliliters of natural yogurt 1½ teaspoons of lemon juice 50 grams of chocolate sparks |
Ingredients to make cake of dulce of milk step step by step:
1. The first step to prepare our homemade cake will be to mix the milk with the natural yogurt in a bowl and add the lemon juice. Let stand about 10 minutes to form cut milk.
2. Meanwhile, the dry ingredients, except sugar. So see in a large container the flour, the baking powder, the bicarbonate and the salt. Reserve.
3. In another bowl we start beating the butter with the sugar until it is creamy, we will get this after one or two minutes. Remember that butter must be at room temperature, never cold from the fridge.
4. Add the dulce de leche and continue beating until you integrate. With recipes you can learn to prepare homemade milk. If you encourage this idea, do not stop reviewing the Uruguayan Dulce de Milk and Dulce de Milk with Condensed Milk Recipes.
5. Then, add the eggs one by one, beating well between each addition so that the dough of our dulce de leche cake is not cut.
6. Next, add half of the dry ingredients and continue beating until integrating. Once the flour is added to the dough, we must beat very softly so that the mixture is not hardening.
7. Add the milk cut and continue mixing gently.The cut milk is the mixture that we form in the first step mixing the milk with the yogurt and the lemon.
8. Add the remaining flour and mix enough until you get a homogeneous, soft and without any lumps.
9. Pour the mixture into a previously greased rectangular mold with butter and sprinkled with flour. And to finish, add a few chocolate sparks throughout the surface.
10. Kitchen the homemade cake in the preheated oven at 180 ° C. for approximately 50 minutes. After that time, click the cake with a stick to check that it is cooked, if it leaves dry it will be ready.
11. Let rest a few minutes before cutting a pieces and enjoy this rich cake of easy milk sweet. If you want to decorate, you can do a bit of Italian meringue and cover the entire cake. As you see, with a recipe step by step it is very easy to make incredible desserts. So, do you stop visiting the target = _blank rel = NOFOLWBLOG of sweet ISIS to continue creating irresistible sweet recipes.